What are algae?
Algae are organisms that are like plants and vegetables. They are commonly found living in the sea, rivers, lakes or ponds. All algae make energy from the sun. There are two different types of algae and they are called “Macroalgae” and “Microalgae”.
Macroalgae are commonly known as seaweed, and microalgae are sometimes known as phytoplankton. Both macroalgae and microalgae produce oxygen. Marcoalgae are large algae and they look like plants. They are multicellular as they contain many cells. They contain a “holdfast” which can be attached to sand, boats or rocks. They contain a “stipe” similar to a stem of plants. They contain “blades” similar to leaves of a plant and a collection of blades are called “fronds”. Some macroalgae have “air-bladders” this helps them float to the surface to catch the sun. Other macroalgae have no “air-bladders” just long flexible stipes.
Macroalgae are divided into brown, green and red macroalgae. The different colours are due to the pigments brown, green and red pigments within the macroalgae. Diatoms and dinoflagellates grow very quickly and large amounts are called algal bloom. Algal blooms can cause problems for the environment. Both of these microalgae have the ability to cause food poisoning. Shellfish may eat the microalgae as their food and if humans then eat the shellfish they may get sick. Some algal blooms are very beneficial to the environment making huge amounts of food for fish.
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Macroalgae are commonly known as seaweed, and microalgae are sometimes known as phytoplankton. Both macroalgae and microalgae produce oxygen. Marcoalgae are large algae and they look like plants. They are multicellular as they contain many cells. They contain a “holdfast” which can be attached to sand, boats or rocks. They contain a “stipe” similar to a stem of plants. They contain “blades” similar to leaves of a plant and a collection of blades are called “fronds”. Some macroalgae have “air-bladders” this helps them float to the surface to catch the sun. Other macroalgae have no “air-bladders” just long flexible stipes.
Macroalgae are divided into brown, green and red macroalgae. The different colours are due to the pigments brown, green and red pigments within the macroalgae. Diatoms and dinoflagellates grow very quickly and large amounts are called algal bloom. Algal blooms can cause problems for the environment. Both of these microalgae have the ability to cause food poisoning. Shellfish may eat the microalgae as their food and if humans then eat the shellfish they may get sick. Some algal blooms are very beneficial to the environment making huge amounts of food for fish.
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