1. Go to Google Drive. 2. Create a new blank document. 3. Rename it Fossil Research Project--Last Name 4. Go HERE to pick a fossil to research. 5. Answer the questions below. 6. Write the life story of your fossil from the point of view of your fossil.
You are required to write the life story of your fossil. I suggest you copy and paste the questions below into your word document.
The following is information required in your story: • The state in which you were found • The geologic period in which you lived • How long ago you lived • The scientific and common name of your organism • The climate and geography during the time and where you lived and what evidence is there of that? • Did you live in the air, freshwater, saltwater, on land or some combination of these and what evidence is there of that? • Were you a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore? And what evidence is there of that? • Were you a predator or prey? If predator, what organisms did you eat, if prey, what organisms ate you? And what evidence is there of that? • What evidence shows the other flora and fauna that lived during the same period as you? • What kind of fossil are you? (Body part? Footprint? Something else?) • What is your closest living relative? • What characteristics do your living relatives share with you? • Where is your fossil now located and if known, who found it?