Soil Health
Many environmental factors contribute to a plant's overall health and growth. Water and mineral requirements vary from species to species, as do temperature tolerances. While some plants can tolerate periods of flooding, other plants like hot and dry conditions.
Soil pH is another environmental factor affecting plant growth. Some plants, such as mountain pinks and bluebonnets, prefer soils with an alkaline (or basic) pH. The limestone or caliche soils found in the Texas Hill Country are an example of alkaline soils. Other plants, like magnolias and azaleas, prefer soils with an acidic pH. The red clay of East Texas is an example of an acidic soil.
Many environmental factors contribute to a plant's overall health and growth. Water and mineral requirements vary from species to species, as do temperature tolerances. While some plants can tolerate periods of flooding, other plants like hot and dry conditions.
Soil pH is another environmental factor affecting plant growth. Some plants, such as mountain pinks and bluebonnets, prefer soils with an alkaline (or basic) pH. The limestone or caliche soils found in the Texas Hill Country are an example of alkaline soils. Other plants, like magnolias and azaleas, prefer soils with an acidic pH. The red clay of East Texas is an example of an acidic soil.